Asharoken Village Court Traffic Ticket Lawyer
Asharoken Village Court – 1 Asharoken Ave, Village Hall, Northport NY 11768
Located in the town of Huntington on the North Shore of Long Island, Asharoken has had a number of notable residents and visitors. Henry Sturgis Morgan, founder of J.P. Morgan and playwright Eugene O’Neill both resided in Asharoken at one time. Marlene Dietrich was a frequent visitor. The famous cartoonist Rube Goldberg, best known for his Rube Goldberg Machine designed the village seal. The Village of Asharoken takes a hard position on motorists who speed in their village. The police issue a large number of speeding tickets within the Village, and the court at times can take a very hard position with regard to the resolution they will accept. This is particularly true on speeding tickets that involve higher speeds. If you have received a speeding ticket or traffic ticket returnable to the Asharoken Village Court, you should consult with a Suffolk Traffic Lawyer.